Lillian had a dance recital Wednesday night, and she did great!
We’ll be getting a better quality video of the whole performance in a couple weeks. In the meantime, here’s the footage that we shot at the recital… while you can’t clearly see their faces, it’s still adorable.
Lillian is the first girl to chassé onto the stage as they circle, then the first to chassé and kneel in line. She got distracted while kneeling, and was trying to find us in the audience (but didn’t have a chance, it was dark and we were a few rows back), and didn’t notice when everybody stood up. Oh well, she figured it out soon enough…
All the girls had a wonderful time and did a good job. We were worried that one had too much stage fright (the last dancer to chassé in the circle) but she came through!
This year, I asked Lillian what her brother should be for Halloween. She thought for a moment, then declared, “A pickle!”
So I made him a pickle. Green fleece, green buttons, and a bit of batting stuffed in the back to round out the pickle shape. Everybody loved it, and only a few people thought he was a peapod.
Plus, they both won the costume contest — Witch got first place, Pickle got second. I was totally stoked.
Note the crying face — he’s upset because while it was easy to get up, he had no idea how to get down. And he managed the climb in about 20 seconds. This kid is FAST.
He’s back to being the sweet, soft-haired baby… except he hates being snuggled more than a few seconds so it’s harder to hold on to him and rub my nose in his hair. 😛
We tried to make Toad in the Hole today. It’s one of those things that, not being even vaguely British, I’ve never had. However, generous doses of Britcoms on PBS have exposed me to the idea of the dish. (Nothing much beyond the idea; I didn’t really know what was in it.)
Taste-wise it was ok. It’s rather hard to make sausages taste bad, after all! The most fun was cooking: parts of the batter poofed up like crazy, possibly because of spots of too much oil underneath (or possibly that’s what it’s supposed to do, I don’t know for sure). It is very easy, fun for the kids (Lillian loved laying the sausages toads in neat rows, and chided me when they rolled out of position), and… well, not all that healthy, I guess
Today was loads of fun. We went to an Easter Egg Hunt in Sesquicentennial State Park, which was a lot more games and entertainment than just an egg hunt. The Southern Pride Rabbit and Cavy Club had a table with a lot of rabbits on display — both kids loved petting them.
It was hilarious to compare Reuven, a nine months old baby, to a Flemish Giant.
A Flemish Giant’s weight should be anywhere from 14-22 pounds. Or even more!
The one at the park definitely looked like it was on the high side of that range.
There were also assorted games available, at which everybody won something at (even if it was just a small piece of candy). We even did some hula-hooping (is that a verb?)… and this picture just begged to be turned into an animated gif!