Turn your back for 20 seconds…
Note the crying face — he’s upset because while it was easy to get up, he had no idea how to get down. And he managed the climb in about 20 seconds. This kid is FAST.
Note the crying face — he’s upset because while it was easy to get up, he had no idea how to get down. And he managed the climb in about 20 seconds. This kid is FAST.
Today was loads of fun. We went to an Easter Egg Hunt in Sesquicentennial State Park, which was a lot more games and entertainment than just an egg hunt. The Southern Pride Rabbit and Cavy Club had a table with a lot of rabbits on display — both kids loved petting them.
It was hilarious to compare Reuven, a nine months old baby, to a Flemish Giant.
A Flemish Giant’s weight should be anywhere from 14-22 pounds. Or even more!
The one at the park definitely looked like it was on the high side of that range.
There were also assorted games available, at which everybody won something at (even if it was just a small piece of candy). We even did some hula-hooping (is that a verb?)… and this picture just begged to be turned into an animated gif!
Fleece hats are warm, and easy to make. Cute fleece hats aren’t much harder.
My next attempt will be a polar bear (same but in white fleece) with a little nose and two eyes…
Snow on Thanksgiving!
It was fairly thick for a while, but it did not last long enough to really chill the ground and stick. It was still very pretty, though, and I while I hope it isn’t the only snow we see this year, there’s not a lot of chance to get it in South Carolina…
This is a picture of Reuven (age 5 months) next to a photograph of Brett (age around 9 months).
Think they might be related? đŸ™‚
Running a little late this year, we carved our jack-o-lantern on October 30. Lillian requested a combination of happy and scary (so it got two pointy fangs), and she also chose the mismatched eye shapes. Very cute overall!
For trick-or-treating, Lillian reused her witch costume from last year, and we added a new accessory: Black Cat familiar!
Total sewing time for the cat costume was maybe 8-12 hours. I think he outgrew it while wearing it, it was definitely not something to grow into! But I designed it from scratch (using existing clothes as a basis), so I’m pretty proud of it overall. There were little black mittens (paws) that went along with it, but he lost one while we were out so he’s not wearing them in the pictures.