The beautiful smell of a milkfed infant…
Breastmilk-poo is sweet smelling, especially compared to formula-poo (or solid-food-poo!). I probably wouldn’t make perfume or potpourri from it, but it’s clean and baby-related. It brings home the emotional memory and feeling of cuddling, loving, sweet little infant who hasn’t yet learned that the word “no” could exist, and trusts and loves absolutely…(I do wish, though, it wasn’t quite so sticky! Every time he poos, it gets everywhere and clings to everything it touches. Meconium is worse, but there’s something about the consistency that is really icky. I thought a baby girl’s crevices would be tougher to keep clean, but with a baby boy it all gets under the scrotum and you have to move everything around to clean, all the time hoping he doesn’t decide he’d really like to pee before you’ve gotten a fresh diaper on.)
Right now, I feel completely awesome. The delivery went perfectly, he’s a good sleeper, I’ve gotten rest and am proud of myself and my family… I hope this feeling stays and doesn’t turn into depression. His smell is part of that good feeling. Unfortunately, there’s no way I can think of to have the smell of breastmilk-poo on hand regularly — can you imagine asking an aromatherapy professional to duplicate that scent?