She’ll be in good shape in the morning…
Lillian got freaked out twice last night.
First, her ceiling fan exploded. Well, not literally, but it blew a bunch of sparks (while running with the fan on and light off), which then blew the circuit breaker and turned off half the upstairs lights. It took us a while to troubleshoot and find out what the problem was, but it was definitely something wrong with the fan. Obviously it’s now turned off, but she didn’t want to sleep in her room any more. So we set her up with blankies and pillows in Reuven’s room (which is mostly unused).
After a bit, she moved her pillows and blankets down to the stairs to camp out there instead. Then she was traumatized by a cockroach wandering by on the step above her. Currently she’s bunked in OUR room, with lots of assurances that there will be no more exploding fans, no more scary bugs… at this rate, though, I expect our alarm clock to catch fire or something.